In some ways, more complex than a portfolio needs to be, but this became a playground for me to experiment with new ideas and skills. Take a deeper look into what went into the making of This Portfolio Website.
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Using a JSON Server, I created a basic blog that allows users to create new posts, update current ones, and search posts. Note - In production, this uses a small JSON Server database with a max character limit, so data changed will not persist.
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This basic login form checks for specific validation. The form also shows error messages next to the inputs every time the form is submitted, if there are any.If the form submission is succesful, you will see an alert for success. This particular version of the form implements the useRef hook.
- Concepts used:
This basic login form checks for specific validation. The form also shows error messages next to the inputs every time the form is submitted, if there are any. If the form submission is succesful, you will see an alert for success. This particular version of the form implements the useState hook.
- Concepts used:
My useLocalStorage hook is built using useState, useEffect, and a custom hook to save items in local storage.
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My useArray hook is built using a number of useCallback hooks to manipulate the state of the array.
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Using React, I created a custom hook specifically for handling fetch requests from the JSON Placeholder API.
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User Data
Loading user data...
Using useEffect and the Fetch API, I created a Basic Fetch Request from the JSON Placeholder API.
- Concepts used:
My name is and I am 0 years old.
In this project, multiple useEffect Hooks are used to change the text as well as the document title.Give it a try by typing in a name and you'll see it at the top.
- Concepts used:
My name is Kaleb and I am 0 years old
A, B, C
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Using React and MaterialUI, I created a basic player bio page for NBA players based on JSON Data.Hooking up tables to populate with player data was a great intro to using a component library with React.
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Using the Date-FNS library, I created a date picker that allows you to change months, and displays current date.
- Concepts used: